
This screen shows when you have to select a character for the Arcade Mode or Network Mode.

Directional Buttons / L-Stick
Move cursor
○ Button
✕ Button
Cancel (Go back)
L1 Button
Toggle Styllish/Technical controls
R1 Button
Convert to Unlimited (only for modes where unlimited characters can be used)

Move the cursor to the character you choose and press O button to confirm. ? in the center selects a random character.

Pressing L1 button toggles between the Stylish Type ⇔ Technical Type controls.
Pressing R1 button toggles between the Unlimited version ⇔ Normal version. (Only for modes where unlimited characters can be used and unlimited characters have been unlocked.)

※Character colors can be selected after selecting the character.
※ In some modes, you can select the stage and the background music after selecting the character.

Control Type: Stylish

The Stylish type is for players who are not familiar with fighting games where special attacks and combos can be used with simple controls. You can enable it by pressing the L1 button on the character selection screen or by moving the cursor to the icon and selecting it with O button.

The button configuration is different from the default control type (Technical).

Control Comparison between Stylish and Technical Type

□ Button
Technical Type:A (Weak Attack)
Stylish Type:L (Light Button)
△ Button
Technical Type:B (Normal Attack)
Stylish Type:N (Normal Button)
○ Button
Technical Type:C (Heavy Attack)
Stylish Type:H (Heavy Button)
✕ Button
Technical Type:D (Drive)
Stylish Type:S (Special Button)
□ Button+△ Button
at the same time
Stylish Type:Distortion Drive
→+□ Button
+△ Button at the same time
Stylish Type:Distortion Drive (Different for each character)
↓+□ Button
+△ Button at the same time
Stylish Type:Distortion Drive (Different for each character)
←+□ Button
+△ Button at the same time
Stylish Type:Astral Heat

※ Distortion Drives and Astral Heats for the Technical Type can be used with input commands.
Please check the command list for each character for more information.

Button Configuration

Move cursor over to Button Settings and press O button to change the button configuration.

© ARC SYSTEM WORKS. Published by H2 Interactive Co., Ltd.